Today and Wednesday are Apologia human anatomy and physiology days and today the boys and I were reading lesson 10 which is the Nervous system extended, since we covered the nervous and endocrine systems in Lesson 9. I choose this course for the boys as I felt it was too detailed and elaborate for a 5 year old to take in and have been following RSO for Princess Perfect instead. I obviously haven't translated this to her so when it is time to work on Apologia she tends to come along and listen in on the lesson anyway. Well I am surprised at the amount of information she is taking in and will definitely be purchasing an apologia notebook for her next year!
After reading about the various lobes within the brain and how it is "divided" up she ran off to make a clay model of the various areas and I made labels for her to stick on.
Somehow I doubt she will forget this lesson!
Absolutely love this! Thanks for sharing!