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Monday, 9 September 2013


We have been following Michael Clay Thompson for Grammar and have loved it!! It is truly an amazing collection of books that teaches grammar in no way I have ever come across before. 

Well unfortunately we finished Island Level of MCT and I hadn't budgeted on buying the next level up this year yet as it is a pricey curriculum at around $250 with postage from the US!  So thought I would turn to the First Language Lessons by Susan Wise Bauer sitting on the shelf. 

I have officially abandoned the writing programme from SWB, called Writing with Ease, for now.  I may pick up with Writing with Skill later, since I have heard good things about it, but for now we are happy to continue with our Institute for Excellence in Writing materials.  The IEW stuff is going so well right now and I feel so liberated after ditching the WWE stuff for the way more stimulating and interesting IEW.

I am happy to continue with FFL (First language lessons) for now as, although it is extremely repetitive, I am able to streamline it for the children and not make them repeat things over and over again as is requested in FFL. 

One element of FFL that I love is the poetry memorization.  Princess Perfect is currently working on FFL1 and Smarty Pants is working on FFL3, each with their own poems to memorize.  Well, she memorized her short little poem in one day and on the second day I realised that she had been listening to Smarty Pants reciting his poem and she started spouting the poem word for word!!

By day three she had memorized the entire poem!  Here she is below reciting the poem from memory!  Too cute!  So the question is do I move her to FFL3???

The Land of Nod by Robert Louis Stevenson

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